Bank account


Young actor plays opposite roles

By Suwitcha Chaiyong and Sukrit Khaepimpan
Photos by Varuth Hirunyatheb

Did you know

Bank’s favourite online game is Super Mario.

Artit Tangwiboonpanit (Bank) was first introduced to showbiz with a leading role in the 2012 film, Khon Lok Jit (Distortion), but he didn’t stand out until he played a difficult child in the talk of the town TV drama Sood Khaen Saen Rak (Revenge and Love). His breakthrough role was playing the nice guy, Priaw, in Channel 7’s popular drama series Lueam Sa Lap Lai (Opposite Lives).

The good-looking star is currently busy filming two TV series. In the detective show Code Hunter, Bank plays Captain Sarut who works at the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) trying to catch a top bank robber. For the drama series, Khu Woon Loon Pan Rak (Odd Couple), his role is the playboy Natee.

Student Weekly met up with Bank at Channel 7. In person, he was hyper and couldn’t sit still as he told us about his roles and acting career.

Student Weekly: Is it true that you were overweight when you were a kid?

Bank: Yes. During junior high school, I had a crush on a girl, so I wanted to lose weight. Now I have to watch my weight because of my career.

Student Weekly: How did you lose weight?

Bank: I ate more meat than flour and skipped dinner. While I’m on a diet, I have to stay at home because if I’m at a party, I have to eat.

Student Weekly: Do you remember your first day as an actor?

Bank: I was so excited to be in Distortion, but on the first day I had to film one scene 10 times. It didn’t come out well. When I saw the movie, I felt sorry that I didn’t do it well enough.

Student Weekly: When did you want to develop your acting skills?

Bank: When I was in Revenge and Love. There were high expectations from viewers. I had to give it my all, so my fans wouldn’t be disappointed.

Student Weekly: Are you happy with your acting after getting a lot of positive feedback for your performance as Priaw?

Bank: No. If the total score for playing Priaw is 10, I give myself only four or five. I think I could do better. At that time, the drama was airing while we were still filming, so we were rushing. I sometimes had to cry in several scenes in the same day. I felt exhausted.

Student Weekly: Which character is most like you in real life?

Bank: None are exactly like me, but I’m most similar to Priaw. At my age, I do everything for people I love and don’t want anything in return.

Student Weekly: Is it difficult to play your character in Code Hunter?

Bank: Not at all. I’m an actor who can play either a nice or bad guy role. My job is the same. I just have to act.

Student Weekly: How do you handle filming two characters at the same time?

Bank: The characters in Code Hunter and Odd Couple are totally different. Natee in Odd Couple is a goof-off and playboy while Captain Saruth takes his job seriously. The more the characters are different, the easier it is to get into the character.

Student Weekly: Code Hunter is about cyber-crime and social networks. Do you use social networks often?

Bank: I’m addicted to them. I use my phone for more than 15 hours a day. If I don’t have a phone, I’m frustrated.

Student Weekly: What was it like to work with Kwan Usamanee in Odd Couple?

Bank: I was scared of her at first. She was beautiful but looked unfriendly. After a while, we became close. On set, Kwan, Win Tawin and I tried to play pranks on each other until the director complained that the actors didn’t focus. I had a hard time because when I lose my concentration, I can’t act. So, we had to stop playing around. Kwan is a skilful actress though.


  • breakthrough (n): achieving success in a particular activity
    investigation (n): the act or process of examining a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth
    hyper (adj): excited and nervous
    addicted (adj): spending all your free time doing something because you are so interested in it
    goof-off (n): a person who is lazy
    prank (n): a trick that is played on somebody as a joke

    talk of the town:
    the person or thing that everybody is talking about