Blown away


Disaster movie is a wild ride

Photos courtesy of Warner Bros

Did you know

Steven Quale directed the hit horror movie, Final Destination 5.

Directed by Steven Quale, Into the Storm is an action-packed tornado disaster film.

In the span of a single day, the small US town of Silverton is ravaged by an unprecedented onslaught of tornadoes. The entire town is at the mercy of the erratic and deadly cyclones, even as storm trackers predict that the worst is yet to come.

As most people seek shelter from the wild winds, others run toward the vortex, testing how far a storm chaser will go to get a once-in-a-lifetime shot of the storm.

Told through the eyes and camera lenses of professional storm chasers, thrill-seeking amateurs and courageous townspeople, Into the Storm throws viewers into the eye of the storm to experience nature at its most extreme.

Catch the action, thrills and terror when Into the Storm hits local cinemas on August 7.


  • tornado (n): a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle
    ravage (v): to badly damage something
    onslaught (n): a strong or violent attack
    vortex (n): a mass of air, water, etc. that spins around very fast and pulls things into its centre

    at the mercy of something:
    not able to stop something harming you because they have power or control over you

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