Dateline Photographs courtesy of AP/Bangkok Post October 4Birthday wishes go to clueless Alicia Silverstone (1976), She�s All That�s Rachel Leigh Cook (1979) and Oscar-winner Susan Sarandon (1946). In 1648, the first volunteer fire department is established in New York by Peter Stuyvesant. Coincidentally or otherwise, a Dutch cigarette brand is later named after him. October 5In 1902, McDonald�s founder Ray Kroc is born. If he hadn�t dreamed up the name McDonald�s, we might all be eating Big Kroks now. In 1997, Express Newspapers in London prints an article claiming that Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman are homosexual. The paper ends up having to pay damages in a settlement as the allegations are wholly and clearly untrue about Kidman. October 6In 1889, the Moulin Rouge �theatre� in Paris first opens its doors to the public. The Thailand Research Fund is inviting high-school students to join its scientific and historical camp Suep Adeet Jak It Krung Kao (Trace the Past from Ancient Bricks) from October 28-30. Call 02 298 0455-75 ext. 159/160 and 02 295 0454. October 7In 1968, the movie ratings system is adopted for the first time. Immediately after, a booming trade in fake ID cards started so that frustrated young men could sneak into X-rated movies. In 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger is elected California governor. Has it really been a year? October 8Jason Bourne�s true identity, Matt Damon, celebrates his 34th birthday today. Alien fighter Sigourney Weaver turns 55. In 1915, the Battle of Loos is concluded during the First World War. The lesser-known Battle of the Washrooms finished later. October 9In 1975, the �father of the hydrogen bomb� Andrei Sakharov is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Prize committee clearly has a loose interpretation of the word �peace.� Until October 17, Thailand Post is holding an International Letter Writing Week at Central Pinklao. For more information, call 02 831 3512. October 10In 1886, the tuxedo dinner jacket makes a debut in New York City. Years later, Pierce Brosnan signs an agreement with movie producers never to wear a tuxedo when he�s not being James Bond. In 2001, US President George W. Bush presents a list of the 22 most wanted terrorists. Guess who�s No. 1?
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