Student Weekly
Student Weekly online : January 7th, 2008 edition


Are you good in a crisis?

1. Someone shouts �Fire!� and you:
a. look for the fire escape.
b. look for Donald Trump.
c. scream.

2. What�s your favourite kind of movie?
a. Romantic.
b. Action.
c. Documentary.

3. Would you enter a reality TV show?
a. Yes. I love a challenge.
b. No way! I need my privacy.
c. Only if I don�t have to eat live bugs.

4. You�re on your way to an important appointment and get stuck in traffic. You:
a. Sit back and smile � at this rate, you�ll miss the appointment.
b. Calculate how long it will take you to run the rest of the way.
c. Cry. All is doomed.

5. You�re called on to give an unexpected speech. You:
a. hide under the table.
b. take a deep breath, think for a few seconds, then stand up and do it.
c. stand up, blush and stutter.

6. Are you a leader or a follower?
a. A leader. I like to take control.
b. A follower. I like to be told what to do.
c. Neither. I�m a rebel, and I live by my own rules.

7. What would you do if you got lost in a new city.
a. Look for a friendly face and ask for directions.
b. Keep walking. I�m bound to recognise something eventually.
c. Panic and hide in a phone booth.

8. You get stuck in an elevator with a good-looking stranger and think:
a. This is my chance to make a new friend.
b. I need to hit the alarm and pound on the door.
c. What happens if I need to go the bathroom?


1. a=3, b=2, c=1
2. a=1, b=2, c=3
3. a=3, b=1, c=2
4. a=2, b=3, c=1
5. a=1, b=3, c=2
6. a=3, b=2, c=1
7. a=3, b=2, c=1
8. a=3, b=1, c=2


8-13: You�re not very good in a crisis. In fact, you�ve been known to have a complete meltdown. Don�t be too hard on yourself � consider how you react to stress and learn strategies to deal with that.

14-19: On a good hair day you can be a tough nut and hold things together. Then again, you�re just as likely to panic.

20-24: You�re not one to fall to pieces when all around you is in chaos. You have a good head on your shoulders, and you know how to handle yourself and others. You have leader written all over you, and people often turn to you in times of crisis.


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