Nice Noona

Actress shows she can sing


GMM Grammy

Noona’s known mainly for her acting career, particularly for her part in the popular movie Kwoan Moen Ho (Hello Stranger). What some people may not know is that Noona has also sung many theme songs for movies and TV soap operas. The actress has a very nice voice and she definitely has what it takes to be a full-time singer.

Noona’s self-titled, debut album opens with the happy dance pop song, “Hula Hoop,” which despite being well sung, sounds a bit juvenile for Noona. She also looks a bit awkward with her dancing style in the music video for the song.

The album’s hit track, “Only You,” is much better, since it’s a slow love song that allows Noona to express the right moods and emotions with her beautiful voice.

Fortunately, most of the songs on this album are ballads about love, which is a style that seems to suit Noona’s singing much more than upbeat dance numbers. — VH


  • juvenile (adj): ailly and more typical of a child than an adult
    awkward (adj): not graceful or comfortable
    express (v): to show a feeling, opinion, etc. but words, looks or action