Letter of the week


I got an old formula from my grandma that helps to get rid of pimples. It's cheap and good and quite easy to find the ingredients for.

Mix together honey, albumen, soft chalk and water. Then put the mixture on your face about one or two hours before bedtime. Then wash it off before you go to bed.

Grandma told me to continue to use this method every night. She also told me to eat more vegetables and fruits and to try not to worry too much.

I'm sure that if you try these things your complexion will get better. It's a wonderful formula that you can try.

Supaluck Amnuaychailert,

That's an interesting concoction, Supaluck. I assume that you've tried it and that it works for you. It doesn't sound like there's anything unsafe in your remedy, so if it does the trick, keep using it. Your grandmother's other advice is pretty good, too. A proper diet and avoiding stress can do a lot to help clear up your complexion. — Editor



I once remembered my friends asking me if boys are suitable for activities such as pole dancing and acrobatics. They also wondered if girls should go for gun shooting and being soldiers.

I said I didn't know, but I did see men hula-hooping. Society's acceptance is now much wider than before somehow.

Teera Siribunsuk,

I don't think there's anything wrong with people pursuing activities that are usually considered something done by the opposite sex. That being said, I don't really think there's any excuse for anybody to pole dance. But to each their own I suppose. We have to get over the idea that there are certain things that only men can do and others that only women can do. Those kinds of ideas are old-fashioned and sexist. — Editor


I am quite worried because there seems to be a lot of unrest and trouble in the world right now. Russia invaded the Ukraine. Terrorists killed more than 30 people in a knife attack in China. The anti-government protests continue in Thailand, where people have been killed.

It is very startling and scary to see so many terrible things happening around the world. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping because of all these scary things.

Kreangsak Leing,

I get letters like yours from time to time, Kreangsak. I know that there are lots of readers (and lots of people in general) who are truly frightened by things that are happening in the world. There's a lot of scary stuff out there, and I don't blame you for being frightened from time to time. But you can't let your fears overwhelm you. Remember that the chances of something bad happening to you or somebody you love is actually pretty small. Also keep in mind that even though there are a lot of people doing evil out there, there are even more good people. Be brave, and try not to worry too much about things you can't control. — Editor

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You can also email us at [email protected] or fax us at 02 240 3792. Your words must be your own (except for quotations and well-known proverbs or sayings) and they may be edited. The Letter of the Week wins a prize of 150 baht!


  • pimple (n): a small mark or lump on a person’s skin, sometimes with a yellow head to it
    albumen (n): the colourless inside part of an egg that is white when cooked
    complexion (n): the natural colour and condition of the skin on a person’s face
    concoction (n): a strange or unusual mixture of things, especially drinks or medicines
    remedy (n): a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or reduce pain that is not very serious
    society (n): people in general, living together in communities
    sexist (adj): of a person who treats other people, especially women, unfairly because of their sex
    unrest (n): a political situation in which people are angry and likely to protest or fight
    scary (adj): making you feel afraid
    overwhelm (v): to have such a strong emotional effect on somebody that it is difficult for them to resist or know how to react

    do the trick:
    to succeed in solving a problem or achieving a particular result

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