Letter of the week


Recently there was a big earthquake in Nepal. Thousands of people were killed, and many homes and other buildings were shaken to the ground. Even some climbers on Mount Everest were killed by an avalanche that was caused by the earthquake.

Right now, people from all over the world are rushing to Nepal to try to help the survivors. I hope that all the people of Nepal will find courage and that their country will be rebuilt.

via email

The earthquake in Nepal is indeed a huge crisis, Benz. Nepal is a poor country, and most of the buildings there are made of mud and bricks. That's a big reason why there was so much death and destruction. It's always hard to hear stories like this. Let's hope that the international community is able to get there soon with the assistance that the Nepalese people so desperately need. — Editor


My grandfather was recently arrested, and he had to spend a couple of nights in jail. He was arrested for gambling on the street. Somebody in his neighbourhood called the police, and they arrested him.

My grandmother and the rest of the family are very mad at him, and he is feeling very sheepish. I think that it wasn’t very smart of him to do something like that. Maybe he deserved what happened to him.

But it was all very embarrassing for him and for his family. I hope that he never does that again.

via email

I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather, Earl. I've never been fan of gambling myself. It just feels like a waste of time and money to me. And it's certainly not worth going to jail over. Hopefully, your grandpa learned his lesson from this experience. If the embarrassment of going to jail wasn't enough to keep him on the straight and narrow, maybe the disapproval and disappointment from his family will. — Editor


I went to see Avengers: Age of Ultron at the cinema yesterday. It was a very fun movie.

There was a lot of great action, and it was very exciting. All of the characters were good and sometimes even funny.

I like superhero movies, and I hope that there are many more in the future.

via email

It seems like you'll be getting your wish, Poppy. There are tons of new superhero movies and TV shows out now and coming up in the next few years. They certainly are popular right now. I used to like them more than I do now. But there do seem to be some good ones coming up. — Editor

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You can also email us at [email protected] or fax us at 02 240 3792. Your words must be your own (except for quotations and well-known proverbs or sayings) and they may be edited. The Letter of the Week wins a prize of 150 baht!


  • avalanche (n): a mass of snow, ice and rock that falls down the side of a mountain
    crisis (n): a time when a problem, a bad situation or an illness is at its worst point
    arrest (v): f the police arrest somebody, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty of a crime
    sheepish (adj): looking or feeling embarrassed because you have done something silly or wrong
    embarrassing (adj): making you feel shy, awkward or ashamed

  • Idiom
    in the doghouse:
    somebody is annoyed with you because of something that you have done
    learn your lesson: to learn what to do or not to do in the future because you have had a bad experience in the past
    the straight and narrow: the honest and morally acceptable way of living

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