Speakeasy In the nick of timeIn this week�s conversation, Dej and Doi are using the word nick. Read the conversation with a friend and, using the definitions in the box, fill it in the blanks. Try making your own conversations using this week�s word. Photograph courtesy of EPA Doi: Hey Dej. You arrived just ............1............... . The meeting�s about to start and everyone�s waiting for your presentation. Whoa! Wait a minute. You can�t go in there looking like that. Dej: Why not? Doi: Your face is all bloody. What happened? Dej: I was in a hurry this morning. Doi: What does that have to do with it? Dej: Let me explain. While I was washing, I realised that I was running late and in my hurry to get here on time, I ............2 ...............myself shaving. Doi: Here�s some tissue. Dej: Hey! Wait a minute. Where�s my wallet? Someone ..................3...................my wallet! Geez! This is shaping up to be a terrible morning. Doi: Don�t worry. We can postpone the meeting until tomorrow. Go get cleaned up. Definitions nick (v): to cut the surface of something slightly Vocabulary whoa (exclamation): used for telling
someone to do or say something more slowly
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