Letter of the week


My favourite food is tom yum. Tom yum is my favourite because I like sour and spicy food. It’s a famous Thai food, and I often eat it.

Tom yum consists of different ingredients — such as shrimp, mushrooms, chilies, lemon grass, onions, lime leaf and other things. It tastes very good. Thai people and some foreigners love it.

It’s easy to cook. You just put some fresh herbs and shrimp into boiling water. Then put some lemon in and taste it. What are you going to cook for your family next weekend?

Nantanat Narongphan,
Nakhon Pathom

I'm a fan of tom yum myself, Nantanat. But between you and me, I prefer tom kha gai. But both of them are very tasty and healthy options for a good meal. We're really lucky to enjoy some of the best cuisine in the world here in Thailand. — Editor



I am studying in Matayom 4, and I have a lot of extra classes. I got used to studying slowly, but the teacher in my physics class teaches so fast that I cannot keep up with her.

At one point, I was so discouraged that I conferred with my brother. He told me to be patient because when I grow up, I will face even harder problems. I haven’t forgotten his words.

My brother is a medical student, so he is very busy. However, he still shows concern for my studies. I want to tell him that I love him very much.

Kornkanok Tisase,
Udon Thani

You've got a great brother there, Kornkanok. He's given you some great advice, and takes time out of his busy schedule to make sure you're doing well. Never forget all you've learned from him, and work hard to live up to his faith in your abilities. — Editor


I am excited about the upcoming annual show at the School of Liberal Arts. It’s going to be great. This year I have been selected to serve as the master of ceremonies, and I’m very glad.

This year’s show is Romeo and Juliet. Every day after school, I practice speaking correctly. There’s only a few months before the show.

What can I do to make sure I do my best?

Anchan Chaopa,
Uthai Thani

The best thing that you can do is keep practicing, Anchan. I have lots and lots of experience, speaking in public — so I mostly know what I'm talking about. During the show, you'll probably have lots of light in your face, so you won't be able to see the crowd. If you can see the crowd, just aim your eyes just above the back row. Speak out clearly, and don't yell into the microphone — let the equipment do the work, not your voice. Try to practise speaking in front of groups of people if you can. Above all, keep a cool head. Try not to be nervous, the crowd will hear that in your voice. You'll do great. Good luck. — Editor

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You can also email us at [email protected] or fax us at 02 240 3792. Your words must be your own (except for quotations and well-known proverbs or sayings) and they may be edited. The Letter of the Week wins a prize of 150 baht!


  • yummy (adj): very good to eat
    consist of (phrasal v): to be formed from the things or people mentioned
    prefer (v): to choose one thing rather than something else because you like it better
    cuisine (n): a style of cooking
    mastery (n):
    great knowledge about or understanding of a particular thing
    master of ceremonies (n): a person who introduces guests or entertainers at a formal occasion
    microphone (n): a device that is used for recording sounds or for making your voice louder when you are speaking or singing to an audience
    confer (v): to discuss something with somebody, especially in order to exchange opinions or get advice

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