Final battle


Middle-earth saga concludes

Photos courtesy of Warner Bros.

Did you know

ETolkien’s The Hobbit was first published in 1937.

Directed by award-winning filmmaker Peter Jackson, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is the third film in a trilogy based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s enduringly popular book, The Hobbit.

The latest film brings to an epic conclusion the adventures of Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman), Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage) and the Company of Dwarves.

Having reclaimed their homeland from the Dragon Smaug (Benedict Cumberbatch), the Company has unwittingly unleashed a deadly force into the world. Enraged, Smaug rains his fiery wrath down upon the men, women and children of Lake-town.

Obsessed with his reclaimed treasure, Thorin sacrifices friendship to hoard it as Bilbo’s frantic attempts to make him see reason drive the Hobbit towards a dangerous choice.

Meanwhile, unseen by any but the Wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen), the great enemy Sauron has sent forth legions of Orcs to attack Lonely Mountain.

As the conflict escalates, the dwarves, elves and humans must decide whether to unite or be destroyed.

Find out what happens when the exciting and dramatic The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies hits local cinemas on December 18.


  • conclude (v): to bring something to an end
    enduringly (adv): in a way that continues for a long time
    unwittingly (adv): without being aware of what you are doing or the situation that you are involved in
    enrage (v): to make somebody very angry
    wrath (n): extreme anger
    hoard (v): to collect and keep large amounts of food, money, etc. especially secretly
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