Added excitement

Nude, lewd and rude: One of photos that shocked police – and excited web surfers.

By Terry Fredrickson

Gambling is normally exciting enough to draw punters, but one well-hidden and illegal Bangkok casino apparently had another attraction: topless women

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Police check out a four-storey commercial building in Sai Mai district believed to be the venue of an illegal casino featuring topless girls. PHOTO: KOSOL NAKACHOL

Gambling is normally exciting enough to draw punters, but one well-hidden and illegal Bangkok casino apparently had another attraction.

From photos circulated on the internet, it also featured topless hostesses.

Shocked police immediately launched a hunt for the illicit casino.

Thus far they have had little success.

Yesterday, a team led by Deputy Metropolitan Police Bureau chief Saroj Promcharoen raided a commercial building in Sai Mai district believed to be the venue for the gambling den but found nothing.

The raid found only a cold drink freezer and many closed-circuit television cameras. No gambling equipment was found.

Investigators were told the building might have been used for a special casino opened over the New Year and then closed. Pol Maj Gen Saroj said the owner would be questioned.

He said it was also believed the building was used as a gambling den in the past but closed because of last year's floods. Sai Mai district was badly hit by the inundation.

The photographs of the casino which appeared on the internet showed two female attendants wearing only panties and standing at a high-low dice gaming table surrounded by male gamblers in an enclosed room.

Rak Thailand Party leader Chuvit Kamolvisit, a former massage parlour operator, told police he believed the casino was in Sai Mai district.

Pol Maj Gen Saroj said a model known as Sun Marisa would be summoned for questioning as she closely resembles one of the topless girls in the photographs.

Investigators will continue to check Mr Chuvit's casino information and drastic action would be taken if any of it is true, he said.

City police chief Winai Thongsong said he did not believe local police were involved in the illegal casino.

Adapted from a story in today’s Bangkok Post.

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commercial – for business purposes เกี่ยวกับการค้า

venue – the place where an activity or event happens สถานที่ที่จัดงาน

illegal – against the law ผิดกฎหมาย, นอกกฎหมาย

gambling – the activity of betting money, for example in a game or on a horse race การพนัน

draw – to attract or interest somebody ดึงดูดความสนใจ

punter – a person who gambles นักเสี่ยงโชค

apparently – based only on what you have heard or think, not on what you are certain is true; seemingly ตามที่ได้รู้มา

attraction – a reason for liking something or for being interested in it สิ่งจูงใจ, สิ่งดึงดูดใจ

circulate – to send to many different people หมุนเวียน

shocked – very surprised and upset ตกใจ

immediately – happening right after something else with no delay; right away ทันที

launch – to start something เริ่มต้น เริ่มทำ

illicit – against the law ผิดกฎหมาย

deputy – a person whose rank is immediately below that of the leader of an organisation รอง

metropolitan police – the police in responsible for a city ตำรวจนครบาล

raid – to forcefully and suddenly enter a place to catch criminals or to search for something like drugs or, in this case, fake passports ใช้กำลังเข้าค้นสถานที่หรือ จับกุมคนร้าย

den – a place where people meet in secret, especially for some illegal or immoral activity บ่อน

closed-circuit TV – a television system that works within a limited area, for example a public building, to protect it from crime โทรทัศน์วงจรปิด (ซีซีทีวี)

investigator – someone whose job is to officially find out the facts about something – ผู้สอบสวน, ผู้สำรวจ, ผู้ตรวจสอบ

inundation – flooding น้ำท่วม

nude – not wearing any clothes เปลือยกาย

lewd – referring to sex in a rude and offensive way ลามก

rude – not polite หยาบคาย

panties – a piece of women's underwear that covers the body from the waist to the tops of the legs กางเกงใน

surrounded – having something completely around all sides ถูกล้อมรอบ

male – belonging to the sex that does not give birth to babies; connected with this sex ผู้ชาย, เพศผู้

enclosed – surrounded by something and separated from what is outside ปิดล้อมอยู่

operator – a person or company that runs a business ผู้ดำเนินกิจการทางธุรกิจ, ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจ

summon – to officially order someone to come to a place เรียกตัว

resemble – to be like or look like someone or something else มีลักษณะคล้ายกับ

drastic action – very strong action มาตรการรุนแรง

local – in or related to the area that you live, or to the particular area that you are talking about ท้องถิ่น

involved – taking part or having a role in something เกี่ยวข้อง