Letter of the week


I would like to tell you how to decorate a dreamy bathroom.

Begin by cleaning all the corners. Next, clear out the useless stuff. After that, re-spray the tiles in a pleasing colour. Then, decorate the walls with scenic pictures that you like.
Next, rearrange objects to decorate the room. You can use attractive glass bottles and put tiny utensils in them. Then, lay down flower pots in the corners as you please.

Lastly, change the curtains. Choose colours that you think look appropriate in the room.

If you do these things, you will have a dreamy, picturesque bathroom.

Jettarin Srisanngam,

Good interior design can really make a difference in how we feel, Jettarin. It's always nice to have a cozy room where you feel comfortable — a place where you can really relax and unwind. It doesn't matter if that room's a bathroom, bedroom or living room. My favourite room in my house is my office. It's got my desk, a big TV, my comfy chair and all my books. It's a nice sanctuary from the world. — Editor



When I'm on my term break, I like to listen to music. My favourite types of music are hip-hop, rock and heavy metal.

I listen to songs many times. I can't stop. I only listen to music when I have free time. When I study, I don't listen to music because I am a good boy.

Jiraporn Kansuya,

It's good that you've got the discipline to separate your study time from your leisure time, Jiraporn. Whatever kind of music you enjoy, you should enjoy without reservation. Don't be afraid to branch out into other genres, too. You might find that as you get older, your taste in music will change. I can tell you from personal experience that the old favourites will always be at the top of your playlist, though. — Editor


Lately, there have been a lot of people getting sick with the flu. My mother caught it and was sick for more than a week. I caught it as well, but I didn't get as sick as my mother.

Many of my friends have also gotten the flu recently. They have chills, fever, headache, body aches and sometimes even diarrhea. It is quite bad.

I don't know why the flu is so bad this year. I just hope that none of us gets too sick.

Pichai Bantuvachiraporn,

There certainly have been a lot of sick people around lately, Pichai. I've actually been down with the flu for about a week myself, and I'm just starting to feel better. Remember to wash your hands frequently and try to stay away from others who are ill. If you do get sick, remember to drink lots of fluids, eat sensibly, get lots of rest and go to the doctor if you're not feeling better within a few days. — Editor

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You can also email us at [email protected] or fax us at 02 240 3792. Your words must be your own (except for quotations and well-known proverbs or sayings) and they may be edited. The Letter of the Week wins a prize of 150 baht!


  • dreamy (adj): pleasant and gentle; that makes you feel relaxed
    utensil (n): a tool that is used in the house
    appropriate (adj): suitable, acceptable or correct
    picturesque (adj): pretty, especially in a way that looks old-fashioned
    cozy (adj): warm, comfortable and safe
    sanctuary (n): a safe place
    leisure (adj): time that is spent doing what you enjoy when you are not working or studying
    reservation (n): a feeling of doubt about a plan or an idea
    genre (n): a particular type or style of literature, art, film or music
    flu (n): an infectious disease like a very bad cold, that causes fever, pains and weakness

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