K-pop star promotes new designs
By Suwitcha Chaiyong
Photos by Varuth Hirunyatheb
and courtesy of B-ing
Did you know
Chon’s older brother is Slot Machine bassist Gak.
After the leader of top K-pop group Girls’ Generation, Kim Taeyeon, promoted the B-ing collagen formula drink last year, sales of the product were boosted considerably.
This year, the 25-year-old singer returned to Bangkok to promote five kinds of the drink that were recently repackaged with a redesigned logo for the first time in seven years. To promote the product, the vocalist filmed a TV commercial and met up with Thai press and Sone, the Girls’ Generation’s fan club, at the B-ing Taeyeon Fan Meeting at Central World Live event.
During the press interview, Taeyeon said that she had been waiting for the day to meet Thai Sone again, since she was happy every time she visited Thailand. Taeyeon added that a lot of fans turned up to support her on the set when she was filming the TV commercial.
The singer didn’t forget to praise the product she was promoting, saying that all five kinds of the drink were great and that the new packaging and logos made the product more colourful and attractive.
During the interview at the fan meeting, Taeyeon kept repeating a new Thai slang word which came from the new slogan of the drink, “Froong Fring Pood Pood (Twinkle)”.
The singer also played a lot of games with her fans. Some lucky fans had a chance to take pictures up close with the star, who happily put her arm around female fans’ shoulders and linked arms with her male fans.
When Taeyeon was about to say goodbye, Thai Sone showed their great support for their favourite idol by holding up a sign that read, “Always Here.” They also sang Girls’ Generation ballad, “Complete.” The singer was stunned and struggled to hold back her tears. She said that she was very touched and grateful for their support.
“I didn’t expect this at all, and no words can describe my feelings,” Taeyeon said. “If it wasn’t for you guys, there would be no Girls’ Generation. I hope that everybody stays by our side forever.”
- boost (v): to make something increase, or become better or more successful
link (v): to join or become joined together
stunned (adj): very shocked or surprised
touched (adj): feeling happy and grateful because of something kind that somebody has done