Amazing Angkriz


LoukGolf inspires students

By Suwitcha Chaiyong
Photos by Varuth Hirunyatheb

Did you know

LoukGolf acted in the sitcom True Love Next Door.

English tutor and language school founder Angkriz Kanatip Soonthornrak (LoukGolf) became popular because of his clear and entertaining teaching methods.

Aside from teaching at his school six days a week, the charismatic 29-year-old tutor also hosts the edutainment TV shows Wow English on Channel 3 Family, LoukGolf English Room on the GMM Channel and A Bit Eng on the VRZO YouTube channel.

Despite his busy schedule, the famous tutor found time to hold his Explore English Beyond Your Limit free talk show in four provinces of Thailand last year. The show was such a big success that LoukGolf arranged a new one for this year, called The Amazing English Talk Show. The show will hit Phitsanulok on April 25, Khon Kaen on August 29 and Bangkok on September 27.

Student Weekly recently met up with the energetic LoukGolf, who despite having jet lag from his recent flight from London, enthusiastically told us about his upcoming events and his tips for improving English skills.

Student Weekly: Have Thai students changed much in recent times when it comes to studying English?

LoukGolf: Yes. They’ve become bolder, especially students who live in cities, because technology allows them to access English information easily. For example, if they like the boy band One Direction, they can go to YouTube and watch their interviews or follow their Twitter or Instagram accounts. However, students also get impatient because they want information immediately. They expect lessons to be precise and straight to the point.

Student Weekly: How will this year’s talk show differ from your last one?

LoukGolf: Last year’s show looked at the difficulties Thai people face when studying English and looked at ways to fix those problems. This year’s theme is about how learning English can make life amazing. The show will feature a lot of in-depth ideas that the previous show didn’t have.

Student Weekly: What inspired you to hold these free talk shows?

LoukGolf: I want to give something back to society. I’m a rural person, and I appreciate the fact that I’ve had opportunities that a lot of students don’t have. I think that a lot of Thai students can be good at English if they have the right inspiration. At the show, I can tell students about my own experiences, and they can then continue to practise English on their own.

Student Weekly: Who should attend the talk show?

LoukGolf: High school students, parents and guardians. Lots of parents and guardians spend money for their kids’ English lessons, but their kids still can’t speak English. These parents should participate in the show so that they understand the problems and can help fix them.

Student Weekly: How did you feel after holding your talk shows last year?

LoukGolf: I found that many students in the countryside fought against the odds to participate. One student told me that she rode on a bus for seven hours to attend the show, while others came from far away and had to spend a night at a hotel. It reminded me of when I was a kid, catching a bus to events that I wanted to attend.

Student Weekly: Can you guarantee that participants will be able to speak English after the show?

LoukGolf: No way. Nobody could do that. But students will learn new techniques, as well as get some encouragement and new perspectives about learning English.

Student Weekly: Do you have any thoughts on how Thai students become involved in the developing ASEAN Economic Community [AEC]?

LoukGolf: If you want to increase your job opportunities in ASEAN countries, you have to study popular languages like Chinese or English, because people in other countries don’t speak Thai. Apart from participating in the AEC, learning English will allow you to read great books that have never been translated into Thai. That can be a real eye-opener.

Student Weekly: What would you say to students who want to make friends with native English speakers in Thailand?

LoukGolf: There were exchange students at my school who were friendly and stayed in Thailand for a long time. So students could try to make friends with exchange students. And when a foreigner asks you for directions or talks to you, don’t be afraid to speak. You should try to communicate with them.

Student Weekly: Do you have any special message for our readers?

LoukGolf: Start to learn English now! You don’t have to wait to see my talk show. If you want to practise listening, think about what you’re interested in and find a show relating to that topic. If you’re interested in cooking, you should watch English language cooking shows. If you like chat shows, some like The Ellen Degeneres Show provide English subtitles. Try to spend your free time usefully.

To obtain free tickets to LoukGolf’s next talk show, please visit


  • founder (n): a person who starts an organisation, institution, etc.
    charismatic (adj): having a powerful personal quality that pleases and attracts other people
    jet lag (n): the feeling of being tired and slightly confused after a long plane journey
    bold (adj): brave and confident
    impatient (adj): wanting something to happen soon
    precise (adj): clear and accurate
    in-depth (adj): very thorough and detailed
    rural (adj): connected with the countryside
    inspiration (n): somebody or something that makes you want to be better, more successful, etc.
    guardian (n): a person who is legally responsible for the care of another person, especially a child whose parents have died
    odds (n): something that makes it seem impossible to do or achieve something
    eye-opener (n): an event, experience, etc. that is surprising and shows you something that you did not already know
    subtitles (n): words that translate what is said in a film or TV programme into a different language and appear on the screen at the bottom