Lanna life

The museum is located near the Three Kings Monument in the heart of the city.

SW explores a northern museum

By Itsarin Tisantia
Photos courtesy of Bangkok Post

Located in central Chiang Mai, Lanna Folklife Museum presents the centuries-old history, art and culture of Lanna Kingdom. The museum is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday.

For this week’s Freeze Frame, SW takes a look at some of the museum’s interesting exhibitions.

This lacquered household tool was made and painted in the style of Myanmar, which influenced Lanna’s art.

The museum has a collection of Lanna cloth and clothes. One of the highlights is the pha sin, or tube skirt (bottom right), which once belonged to Princess Dara Rasmi, a princess consort of King Rama V.

A part of the museum’s walls was dazzlingly painted. The mural paintings reflect the ways of life and traditions of Lanna people.

This khon toh, or water pot, was beautifully decorated with gold leaves.

The Buddha image stands out among other statutes in the museum. It was decorated and made in the Lanna style.

Visitors are fascinated by the Buddhist Scriptures, or tripitaka, which show Lanna handwriting.



Match each of the following words used in Freeze Frame with the correct definitions.

…… 1. household a. material made by weaving or knitting cotton, wool, silk, etc.
…… 2. cloth b. a collection of things, for example works of art, that are shown to the public
…… 3. exhibition c. to attract or interest somebody very much
…… 4. fascinate d. connected with looking after a house and the people living in it


  • dazzlingly (adv): in an extremely impressive, beautiful, or skilful way
    highlight (n): the best, most interesting or most exciting part of something
    consort (n): the husband or wife of a ruler
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