Online love

Photos courtesy of Bangkok Post and EPA

I’m having a hard time since my boyfriend left me and I have no idea how to contact him. We met on Facebook but I haven’t met him in person because he lives in Chiang Mai and I live in Bangkok.

I had a great time chatting with him for six months. He’s good looking, funny and sweet. I told him that my family will visit Chiang Mai soon and I will visit him but he didn’t reply. I tried to call him and left messages on Facebook, but he still didn’t reply and finally he deleted himself from Facebook. I was shocked and devastated.

I told my older sister about it and she told me to forget him. She said it wasn’t a real relationship since we never met each other. I’m sad. What should I do?

Manaswan Thianprasert, Bangkok

I’m sorry that you’re sad, Manaswan. It’s difficult whenever we fall out with a friend.

However, I agree with your sister. I’m not sure that the guy can be your boyfriend if you’ve never met. Also, while making friends online is fun, you have to be extra careful. It’s easy for bad people to create a fake profile. Continue to make friends but don’t get too involved with somebody you haven’t met. Real friends are always better! — Editor


My name is Benz and I’m currently studying in Matayom 3. I writing just to say I love your magazine! At school I read a story about the new amusement park at Lumpini Square and enjoyed it a lot.

I told my parents about the carnival about a week ago, but they said that sometimes carnival rides are not safe. But last night when I showed them your story they said it should be all right. And now we’re planning to visit the carnival this weekend. So, thanks a lot Student Weekly!

Yutthakarn Yodrak, Bangkok

Hi Benz, thanks for writing in! It’s great that you enjoy Student Weekly and I’m glad that you used one of our stories to persuade your parents to take you to the carnival. Have a good time! — Editor


Hi Student Weekly! My name is Santia and I come from Phitsanulok. Last weekend I went with my two younger sisters to visit our auntie in Bangkok.

We visited some nice shops and restaurants in a big shopping mall near Siam BTS station and got tired. My auntie suggested that we see a movie before we go home.

We saw the new Batman v Superman movie and really enjoyed it but the film was so loud and the room was very cold. Why are cinemas in Bangkok like this?

Santia Apiwong, Phitsanulok

That’s a good question, Santia! I find it a bit crazy that while it’s 100 degrees outside, cinemas are always so cold. It’s too hot to carry a jacket around but if I don’t wear one in the movie theatre I just sit and shiver for a couple of hours and it ruins the experience.

If you think the theatre is too loud and cold you should tell the staff. If only one person complains they might not care but if many people complain then they might fix the problem! — Editor

devastated (adj): extremely upset
fall out (phrasal v): to have an argument with somebody so that you are no longer friendly with them
involved (adj): giving a lot of time or attention to somebody
persuade (v): to make somebody do something by giving them good reasons for doing it
shiver (v): to shake slightly because you are cold
ruin (v): to damage something so badly that it loses all its value or pleasure