Nice rice


Sticky sounds succeed

The Sticky Rice
Jah Live Cassette Sound
Panda Records

Panda records has proven to be the most diverse independent music label in Thailand, and one of the few willing to release albums based purely on artistic merit, rather than their potential to storm the pop charts. The label’s latest release is Jah Live Cassette Sound, the debut album from experimental dub reggae fusion band, The Sticky Rice.

As the title suggests, this album was recorded live in the studio to cassette tape, giving it warm, vintage analogue sound that suits the music well. Unlike the band’s live shows, this is an instrumental album, allowing the listener to focus on the improvisational keyboard wizardry of Pook Taypabood and the solid dub rhythm section of bassist Pik Taypabood and drummer Top Khunknwan. Live guitarist Nui Cheng worked on the sound production, along with renowned musician and producer Pok Pongprayoon.

As well as the prominent ska, reggae and dub influences, the music on this album is at times reminiscent of experimental jazz musicians from the 1960s and ‘70s such as Sun Ra, Alice Coltrane and Miles Davis.

The bracing opening track, “For We Walk Inna by Faith” sets the tone perfectly, with seven minutes of fast, spacey music that is equally good for listening and dancing. Other album highlights include the fast and catchy ska track “Strong Inna Jah Soul,” the short but atmospheric “Joy Inna Di Youth Sound,” the slow dub of “Accept Something Until You Start a New Thing” and the final track, “We Apply Our Muzik From di Earth,” recorded at a live gig.

Anybody who has seen one of The Sticky Rice’s live shows will love this album from beginning to end, as will listeners who like fun, experimental music. Jah Live Cassette Sound is a brilliant debut from a band that deserves international recognition for their highly original and exciting music.


  • diverse (adj): very different from each other and of various kinds
    vintage (adj): typical of a period in the past and of high quality
    instrumental (adj): made by and for musical instruments, with no singing
    wizardry (n): great skill
    reminiscent (adj): reminding you of something
    bracing (adj): fast and making you feel full of energy
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