Editor's note

Our cover story this week is about Talento, a rock band comprised of some very talented kids who are lucky enough to have discovered the thrill of making music at a young age.

Somebody once said that if you learn to play a musical instrument, you'll never be without a friend. I think that's true. With the exception of a few unhappy places where fun is banned, all kinds of music are popular the world over. And while not all types of music can truly be described as some sort of "universal language," it's certainly true that music has the power to cut through barriers and differences in language, culture, lifestyles and everything else. Musicians can easily make friends with other music makers no matter how different their backgrounds or lives.

In fact, many of the most widely-loved genres of music came about through the coming together of different styles and groups in society. Rock and roll and jazz are just two examples that immediately spring to mind as styles of music that came about as a result of cultures colliding and barriers being broken down.

Since as far back as I can remember, music has been the main love of my life. I learned to play the organ, piano and flute before I was 10, then started playing guitar, drums and various other instruments after that. I've found throughout my life that as long as I have a guitar nearby, I never feel bored, lonely or wanting for anything. I can always entertain myself and have a good time simply by playing the guitar.

Even better than that is the way that music has allowed me to easily make friends all around the world. I have played in bands with people of many different nationalities and backgrounds, and all have become life-long friends. In addition to meeting other musicians, I've manage to make many more friends who are simply fans of music and love to talk about it, listen to it and share their musical discoveries with others. One of the great things about the Internet is the ability of people everywhere to discover and access endless amounts of music for free.

If you ever have an opportunity to learn a musical instrument, I highly recommend that you give it a go. While not everybody has the ability to become a virtuoso, anybody can play something of they put in a little time and effort. If you can't get your hands on an instrument, you can always try to sing, rap, dance, or bang away on garbage cans with a couple of sticks. No matter how you do it, I guarantee that you'll have a great time making music, and you'll meet plenty of like-minded friends.

Music really has nothing to do with money, fame or celebrity. It has everything to do with communication, culture, human expression and good old plain-and-simple fun.

So make some noise!

Ben Edwards
[email protected]

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