Live forever


Old man steals young life

Photos courtesy of Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International

Did you know

Ben Kingsley starred in the film Gandhi.

Directed by Tarsem Singh, Self/less tells the story of an elderly billionaire, Damian Hale (Ben Kingsley), who, when close to death, is offered a chance to live forever.

The chance is offered by Albright (Matthew Goode), the brilliant head of a secret organization that caters to the wealthy. Damian seizes the opportunity, and his death is staged. The world now thinks he is gone, but he is in fact “shedding.” His consciousness is being transferred into the body of a healthy young man (Ryan Reynolds). The operation is successful.

Adapting to his new body and beginning a second life in New Orleans, Damian becomes comfortable with his new identity as “Edward.” But the disturbing images in his mind are not easily explained away by Albright’s warning that “immortality has some side effects.”

Damian starts to uncover the mystery of “Edward’s” origin, and those who will kill to protect the organization. Summoning two lifetimes’ worth of strength, Damian fights for his life and for the lives that he has affected.

See what happens when Self/less opens on September 10.


  • stage (v): to present a fake performance
    consciousness (n): the state of being able to use your senses and mental powers to understand what is happening
    immortality (n): the state of living forever
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