Buyers get first look at Pongpat's assets

A prospective buyer looks through a section of 1,000 items to be auctioned from Thursday to Sunday. They were seized from the criminal network headed by disgraced former Central Investigation Bureau chief Pongpat Chayapan. They can be inspected again today, between 8.30am and 4.30pm at the 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment King’s Own Bodyguard, Chaeng Watthana. TAWATCHAI KEMGUMNERD

By Terry Fredrickson

The first 1,000 items seized from the criminal network headed by disgraced former Central Investigation Bureau chief Pongpat Chayapan have been opened to public viewing ahead of being auctioned off beginning this Thursday.

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First of Pongpat's 'assets' for auction

King-oua Laohong

The first 1,000 items seized from the criminal network headed by disgraced former Central Investigation Bureau chief Pongpat Chayapan have been opened to public viewing ahead of being auctioned off, the Anti-Money Laundering Office (Amlo) announced.

The seized items include Buddha images, paintings, sculptures, furniture, Chinaware, glass, high-end watches and wine.

They can be inspected today, between 8.30am and 4.30pm at the 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment King’s Own Bodyguard, Chaeng Watthana.

Amlo has arranged with Union Auction Co for the sale of the seized goods over four days, Thursday to Sunday, by auctioning 250 items each day.

People interested in bidding can also view details and starting prices at the office's website.

There are still many other seized items, the proceeds of crime, which have not yet been put up for auction.

Pol Lt Gen Pongpat was sentenced to a further 15 years in prison last week for demanding money for police promotions and accepting bribes from oil smugglers, bringing his total prison term from several convictions to 31 years and nine months, to be served cumulatively.


    asset: something owned by a person, company etc., particularly money and property - ทรัพย์สิน
    auction: a usually public sale of goods or property, where people make higher and higher bids (= offers of money) for each thing, until the thing is sold to the person who will pay most - การขายโดยการประมูล, การขายทอดตลาด
    auction: to sell through an auction (a usually public sale of goods or property, where people make higher and higher bids for each thing, until the thing is sold to the person who will pay most - การขายโดยการประมูล, การขายทอดตลาด) นำไปขายโดยการประมูล
    battalion: a large group of soldiers made up of several smaller groups known as companies - กองทหาร, กองพันทหาร
    bidding: offering to buy/sell something at a specific price - การยื่นเสนอราคา
    bodyguard: a person or a group of people who are employed to protect somebody - องครักษ์,คนคุ้มกัน
    bribe: money or a present given to someone so that they will help you doing something dishonest or illegal - สินบน
    Central Investigation Bureau: a national police agency coordinating and assisting the work of provincial and city police components. - กองบัญชาการตำรวจสอบสวนกลาง
    crime: an illegal activity or action - อาชญากรรม
    criminal: illegal; against the law - ผิดกฎหมาย, นอกกฎหมาย
    cumulative: increasing by one addition after another - ทับทวีขึ้น,สะสมขึ้น
    details: small facts or pieces of information relating to a situation - รายละเอียด
    disgrace: the loss of other people’s respect because of something bad that you have done; something that is extremely bad or shocking - น่าสยดสยอง, ความเสื่อมเสีย, ความอัปยศ, การขายหน้า
    former: of or in an earlier time; before the present time or in the past - อดีต, แต่ก่อน
    high-end: expensive and of high quality; having a lot of money to spend - มีคุณภาพ
    infantry: soldiers who fight on foot, not on horses or in tanks or other vehicles - ทหารราบ
    inspect: to look at something carefully - ตรวจสอบ, ตรวจสอบอย่างละเอียด
    launder: money laundering; laundering money; hiding the origin of money obtained from illegal activities by putting it into legal businesses - การฟอกเงิน
    network: a large system of connected parts, organisations, people, etc. - เครือข่าย
    proceeds: money gained from some activity - รายได้
    promotion: moving to a job at a higher level - การเลื่อนตำแหน่ง
    prospective: expected to do something or to become something - ที่คาดหวังไว้, ที่มุ่งหวัง
    regiment: a large group of soldiers - กรมทหาร, กองทหาร
    sculpture: a solid object that someone makes as a work of art by shaping a substance such as stone, metal, wood or sand - รูปปั้น
    section: any of the parts into which something is divided - ส่วน
    seize: to take something using official power - ยึด
    sentence : (of a court of law) to give a punishment - ลงโทษ
    smuggler: a person who takes things or people to or from a place secretly and often illegally - ผู้ลักลอบขนสินค้าหรือคนหรือสัตว์เข้าและออกจากประเทศอย่างผิด