Letter of the week


A popular activity right now is the Ice Bucket Challenge. It's being used to raise money for the ALS Foundation charity. I think it's a good way to raise money and make merit, but I worry about the health of people who do it.

For very young and very old people, it's probably not good for them to have freezing water dumped over their heads. For other people, I think it's fun and challenging.

But I don't think that I will take part in this activity if I am challenged.

Supaluck Amnuaychailert,

It's been impossible to miss the Ice Bucket Challenge recently, Supaluck. I think it's a bit silly, but it's harmless and it's doing a lot of good and raising a lot of money and awareness for ALS research. I think it's good any time people get interested and motivated about a good cause. — Editor



I am quite worried about the flooding that is happening north of Bangkok. I read in the newspaper that Ayutthaya is going to flood very soon. There are already lots of towns and areas north of there that are flooded.

Every day there are pictures on the news, showing large areas of flooding. I find it very disturbing and I feel bad for the people who live in those areas.

I hope that what happened a few years ago doesn't happen again. It was very scary, and I was very stressed out for a long time, worrying that Bangkok would flood.

Pichai Bantuvachiraporn,

I remember a few years ago when the floods were threatening Bangkok, Pichai. It was a pretty scary time, and I'm not looking forward to that happening again.

From what I've seen, however, it seems like Bangkok will be OK this year. Try not to worry too much about things that haven't happened yet and that you have no control over. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen. — Editor


When it comes to improving my English, most of my life I have been self-taught. This was due to my family's economic problems. They could not afford my English learning when I was a teenager.

I had to read books, newspapers, comics and some academic documents. I never missed Hollywood movies so that I could hear the soundtrack and develop listening skills. It was difficult for me to catch all the words while they were speaking quickly.

At present, I’m quite familiar with American accents and certainly love listening, even though I still cannot understand all the dialogue in movies.


It seems to me that you're a very independent and self-motivated learner, Laem. Despite your financial limitations, you found a way to study English on your own. You've done all the things that I tell people to do if they want to improve their English. Don’t worry that you're not understanding everything that you hear, as long as you can get the main point, you're doing just fine. The more you listen, the better you'll get at understanding more and more. — Editor

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  • dump (v): to put something down in a careless or untidy way
    harmless (adj): unable or unlikely to cause damage or harm
    awareness (n): knowing that something exists and is important
    academic (adj): connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities
    catch (v): to hear or understand something
    dialogue (n): conversations in a book, play, or film
    limitations (n): a rule, fact or condition that limits something

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