Casting a spell


Pang plays indie games

By Suwitcha Chaiyong
Photos by Varuth Hirunyatheb
and courtesy of True iContent

Did you know

PewDiePie had the most YouTube subscribers in 2013.

Female game casters or game commentators are rare in Thailand. Naiyarat Thanawaigoses (Pang) is one of the few female game casters with her own YouTube channel, zbing z. Since posting her first video there last year, the zbing z. channel has attracted more than 140,000 subscribers.

Inspired by YouTube stars like PewDiePie and Markiplier, Pang's channel stands out from others with unique contents such as commentary on indie games and tales about Japanese ghosts. Unlike most game casters, Pang also shows her reactions while commenting on videos.

Recently, the 24-year-old Internet star started hosting an online programme called OS Caster Life on the Online Station YouTube channel, along with another well known game commentator named Ikkiw, better as Xcrosz. The programme features tips for aspiring game casters and reviews of interesting games.

Student Weekly recently met up with Pang at the True iContent office. The pretty game caster told us about her role models and her love of unusual games.

Student Weekly: What was the response to your first video like?

Pang: Not very good. I asked my parents and friends to share the video and I got about 300 views. Fortunately, the game casters Ky0NSos and Eva Gamer saw the clip and commented on it, and other gamers checked it out after that. The other game casters told me that the sound on my first video wasn't loud enough, so I improved it.

Student Weekly: Why do you review so many horror games?

Pang: I like ghost movies, even though I'm really scared of them. Horror games are interesting, but they aren’t popular because they cause gamers to panic. But if I play mainstream games like all the others, my channel won't be interesting. I also show my reactions onscreen because I think that gamers will feel less frightened after they hear me scream and see my reactions!

Student Weekly: What do you like about PewDiePie and Markiplier?

Pang: Markiplier is my role model. It was so exciting when he commented on a ghost game. He's a great entertainer. PewDiePie makes gamers feel like they know him because he uses casual language. His expressions and reactions to games are natural. He laughs and expresses his fears openly.

Student Weekly: What makes your channel unique?

Pang: I like to create skits and stories from the games. I also do voice acting to make it more fun. And since horror games are rare, I also comment on other unusual games like Muddy Height, which is a game about poo!

Student Weekly: Have you ever had negative comments from viewers?

Pang: Some viewers used obscene language, so I decided to block them. But I always listen to constructive comments.

Student Weekly: Which of your videos have been the most popular so far?

Pang: The videos with Japanese ghost tales. I thought that viewers might be interested in stories about Japanese ghosts, like the bathroom ghost called Hanako-San, or the half-body ghost, Teke Teke. The feedback was great when I made those videos.

Student Weekly: Is it possible to make a living as a game caster?

Pang: In Thailand, it's more of a hobby because the income from YouTube isn’t much. I earn a salary from Online Station as their employee. I review videos from clients and host an online programme called OS Caster Life.

Student Weekly: What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a female game caster?

Pang: I don't think that female game casters can use impolite language like guys can, because it's inappropriate. A viewer once criticised me for using bad language. But female game casters can play games just as well as guys can.

Student Weekly: Do you have any advice for aspiring game casters?

Pang: I became a game caster by searching for information about it on the Internet. Some young people might dream about being game casters, but they're not enthusiastic enough to find information about it. You should look for information by yourself. Then you can ask me for advice if you experience any difficulties.


  • aspiring (adj): wanting to start the career or activity mentioned
    mainstream (adj): considered normal because it is accepted by most people; popular with a large segment of the population
    openly (adv): without hiding any feelings, opinions or information
    skit (n): a short piece of humorous writing or a performance that makes fun of something
    obscene (adj): offensive, rude, or shocking to most people
    constructive (adj):
    having a useful and helpful effect rather than being negative or with no purpose
    impolite (adj): rude
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