Let's read this week's Entertainment features. Just click below!
Movie : Robot romance
WALL-E is an intriguing new computer-animated
comedy set in space. Filled with humour, emotion and fantasy, the film takes
viewers on a remarkable journey across the galaxy.
Music : Cool quintet
Hot new boy band C-Quint have faced their
fair share of criticism since releasing their hit single, �Tor Hai Lok Yood
Moon (If the World Stops Spinning).� In particular, they�ve been accused of imitating the songs and outfits of Korean group Dong Bang Shin Gi.
Television : Easy rider
When Bakery Music co-founder Kamol Sukosol Clapp (Sukie)
found that he no longer had a passion for music, he started searching for
something new.
Sound Check : Red rock
were one of the most successful alternative rock bands of the �90s. Now they�re
back with their sixth album. It is their third self-titled album, completing a
trio of records with primary-coloured covers.
Music : Thailand top music chart
- Don�t Ask (ETC)
- Take a Bow (Rihanna)