Alien killer


Girl tries to save Earth

Photos courtesy of Columbia Pictures

Did you know

The film is based on the popular 5th Wave book trilogy by Rick Yancey.

Directed by J Blakeson, The 5th Wave shows what happens when Earth is under attack from aliens.

A giant alien spaceship approaches Earth and begins a series of attacks. In the first wave, all power on Earth is lost. The second wave triggers massive tsunamis across the globe. A third wave brings disease, and by the fourth wave the aliens are on Earth, disguised as humans.

Cassie (Chloë Grace Moretz) is on the run, desperately trying to save her younger brother who has gone missing. As she prepares for the final deadly wave of attacks, she teams up with a young man called Ben (Nick Robinson) who may become her final hope — if she can only trust him.

Find out if Earth survives when The 5th Wave opens in local cinemas on January 14.


  • wave (n): a sudden increase in a particular activity
    tsunami (n): an extremely large wave in the sea
    disguise (v): to change your appearance so that people cannot recognise you