(March 21 to April 19)
Stop dreaming about your future, and start making things happen. You have some great ideas, and with the right incentive, you can get others to help you with things. Don't be too generous.
(April 20 to May 20)
Tune in to what's going on around you and the information you can gather. A course that interests you can be your ticket to a bright future. An unexpected surprise will come your way.
(May 21 to June 20)
Don’t be afraid to do things alone. The less time spent discussing matters with friends or family, the more you will achieve. If you are interested in taking a position of leadership, speak up.
(June 21 to July 22)
Get moving. Physical energy used creatively will improve your outlook and bring you satisfaction and peace of mind. Fix up your space or do something that will help improve your mood.
(July 23 to August 22)
A change of scenery will be good for you. Taking part in events or activities that are entertaining will make you happy. Emotional problems will set in if you get into any arguments.
(August 23 to September 22)
Do something challenging, and it will motivate you to take on more this year. Take up a new hobby, make arrangements to get together with a friend or family or plan a day trip. Avoid difficult people.
(September 23 to October 22)
Don't let the little things upset you. Relax and enjoy yourself. Spend time on a relationship that matters, and put your life and future goals in perspective. Do your own thing.
(October 23 to November 21)
Keep your opinions to yourself. If you are too open about your ideas and plans, somebody will take advantage of you. Consider what and who you enjoy most, and head in a positive direction.
(November 22 to December 21)
Keep an open mind and a clear view. Remember past meetings you have had with friends and use the information you gathered to help you make an important decision now.
(December 22 to January 19)
Avoid impulsive actions, disagreements and too much running around. Be thoughtful if you want to avoid difficulties. You can achieve what you set out to do if you stick to your budget.
(January 20 to February 18)
Don't give in to emotional problems just because you are tired. Instead, get some rest and take time to rejuvenate. Working on upgrading your skills and qualifications will bring good results.
(February 19 to March 20)
Volunteer to help an organisation with a good cause. Do whatever you can in your free time. You can make a difference if you join somebody who is trying to reach the same goal.
fool (v): to trick somebody into believing something that is not true
incentive (n): something that encourages you to do something
tune in (phrasal v): to become aware of something
speak up (phrasal v): to say what you think clearly and freely
motivate (v): to make somebody want to do something
perspective (n): the ability to think about problems and decisions in a reasonable way
impulsive (adj): acting suddenly without thinking carefully about what might happen rejuvenate rejuvenate (v): to make somebody feel more lively
change of scenery: to go to a different place
take advantage: to make use of somebody in a way that is unfair or dishonest