Let's read this week's Education features. Just click below!
news : Don�t go bananas
Golfers should think twice before eating lots of bananas to
build up their energy levels during their game a government nutritionist warned
on February 3. A high intake of potassium over a period of time can lead
to kidney diseases and heart failure.
Exercises : On Valentine�s Day
Day is a day like no other. Romantics everywhere celebrate Valentine�s Day in
all sorts of ways. It is on this day that people are able to set aside their
differences and come together to express their love and affection for one
another. This week�s Exercises takes a look at some stories about Valentine�s
Karaoke Korner : Love
takes flight
In his latest single, �Say Goodbye to Love,� Kenna seems to
be in a hurry to throw caution to the wind and leave his love life up to
fate. He doesn�t like to bid farewell, so his mind is in a twist trying
to decide if he should say goodbye to love.
Frame : Winter wonders
son Kevin is 10 years old. He was born in Bangkok and has lived here his whole
life. Needless to say, he�d never experienced snow or
temperatures much below 20 degrees Celsius.
University Tips : Food for
Tips is here to help you prepare for the English exams and tests that are
coming your way. It gives you practise answering questions similar to those you
may have at school and also on the university entrance examination.
Cheat Sheet : All the answers to exercises are here