
  • Editor's Note

    Welcome to our official Back to School issue of Student Weekly! Most schools must be well and truly back into the thick of it by now, so we hope you all had a relaxing, restful break while it lasted. I was never too happy to be back at school after a holiday, but once the first week was out of the way and the new routine had set in I was able to get into the swing of things and start looking forward to the next holidays.


    After I finished the midterm examinations, I felt very relaxed. My roommate persuaded me to travel to Mae Sai after the exam. It was the first time that I went there, so I was very excited to travel with my new friends.

  • An acquired taste

    Despite some neat features on the ZTE Axon, there are better smartphone options out there.

  • Building bridges

    Dechen Shak-Dagsay is a Tibetan artist whose ambition is to bring ancient mantra chants to a younger, modern audience within her own Vajrayana Buddhist tradition and the Theravada tradition dominant here in Thailand – as well as to people of all faiths.



