Magical movie
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Tomm Moore, Song of the Sea is a spellbinding new animated fantasy film inspired by the mythological Selkies of Irish folklore. Selkies live as seals in the sea but become humans on land.
Push perfection
Written by popular author May 112, Perfect Match is one of best-selling novels in the hit Ugly Duckling series. Perfect Match is an amusing novel about a relationship between a first-year university student named Junior and senior student named Pi Suea.
Raw rock
The Public Mansion are a band made up of four young guys who love rock music. The band blends rock with other genres of music to create their own distinctive musical identity.
Fine fun
Frontman and leader of Korean rock band CN Blue, Jung Yonghwa, is renowned as a great entertainer and songwriter. The 25-year-old musician has composed several chart-topping songs for CN Blue, including “Can´t Stop,” “I’m Sorry” and “Still in Love.”
Digging sounds
At a time when most local indie bands are inspired by Brit-pop or post rock, the duo Gardener Twins decided to do something completely different.