Student Weekly
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Student Weekly: June 21 , 2010 issue

Let's read this week's Education features. Just click below!

Local news : Dried up
Water in the Sirikit Dam has reached its lowest level in almost two decades, officials said. Authorities at the Uttaradit dam will release just 550 million cubic metres of water, or 8 percent of its capacity, for general purposes, dam director Somkid Khengrang said on June 7.

Worldnews : Rare rhino
Jakarta - The carcass of a critically endangered Javan rhino had been found in Indonesia, conservationists said on June 7, bringing the world's scarcest mammal closer to extinction.

Exercises : Pure poetry
On June 26, Thais celebrate the birthday of Sunthorn Phu, one of Thailand's most beloved poets and storytellers. His work continues to inspire artists, writers and dancers today.

Karaoke Korner : Great giveaway
In their new single, "I Gave It All Away," Boyzone regret losing their girlfriend. Now that she's gone, they feel like they've lost everything

University Tips : Landing land
University Tips is here to help you prepare for the English exams and tests that are coming your way. It gives you practise in answering questions similar to those you may have to take at school and also in the University Entrance Examination.

Click here for above excercise answers : CLICK HERE


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