(March 21 to April 19)
Your energy and enthusiastic approach to life will help you to make a difference. Ride out whatever turmoil you face. Share your experiences and move forward. Strive to do your best.
(April 20 to May 20)
Reassess your situation and look at your options. A suggestion made will be worth considering. Make travel plans or sign up for a seminar. Start the ball rolling on a new project.
(May 21 to June 20)
A surprise regarding your position or reputation will soon unfold. A new opportunity or chance for advancement is heading your way. Reconnect with somebody from your past.
(June 21 to July 22)
Don’t let last-minute changes get to you. Go about your business and finish what you start. Keep the peace with your family and friends. Focus on relationships based on equality.
(July 23 to August 22)
You will see things differently if you participate in a cultural event. Learn from the experience and incorporate what interests you into your lifestyle. Check out different options.
(August 23 to September 22)
You will attract plenty of attention. Go out with friends or plan a romantic evening for two. Self-improvement plans will pay off. An interesting offer will have you thinking about your plans.
(September 23 to October 22)
Connect with friends that you haven’t seen for a while. An important change will take you by surprise. Focus on your own needs. Extra input will keep you ahead of the competition.
(October 23 to November 21)
Be thankful for what you have and make plans to spend quality time with somebody you cherish. Do something unusual or alter your lifestyle to better suit your future expectations.
(November 22 to December 21)
Excitement will mount if you go out with good friends or go on a short shopping trip. Channel your energy into making your home nice for the end-of-year festivities. Have some fun.
(December 22 to January 19)
Family and friends will take your mind off work and help you to realise what is most important. You will also discover ways to fill next year with less stress and more personal satisfaction.
(January 20 to February 18)
Do your part to help out in your community. Your time and kindness will be appreciated and lead to an interesting new connection. An exciting new opportunity will come your way.
(February 19 to March 20)
Love is on the rise. Doing something with somebody special will get you in the festive mood. Helping those less fortunate will be also be heart-warming. Instigate change next year.
disrupt (v): to make it difficult for something to continue in the normal way
emphasis (n): special importance that is given to something
turmoil (n): a state of great anxiety, confusion and uncertainty
seminar (n): a meeting for discussion or training
unfold (v): to gradually be made known
equality (n): the fact of being equal in rights, status, advantages, etc.
pay off (phrasal v): to be successful and bring good results
cherish (v): to love somebody or something very much and want to protect them or it
mount (v): to increase gradually
festivity (n): the activities that are organised to celebrate a special event
heart-warming (adj): causing feelings of happiness and pleasure
instigate (v): to make something start or happen