(March 21 to April 19)
Size up your situation and look for new opportunities. Share your thoughts and show what you can contribute, and you will impress somebody who can help you with your plans.
(April 20 to May 20)
Share your thoughts, ideas and feelings, and you will soon accomplish what you set out to do. Get back to basics. Improving your skills will enhance your chances of getting ahead.
(May 21 to June 20)
Focus on what you can do well. Get involved in talks with people who have information regarding a direction you want to pursue. Rest will give you a chance to think about your options.
(June 21 to July 22)
Plan to have some fun with friends. Take part in an exciting event or activity that lets you use your imagination and social skills. You will meet people who have similar plans and interests.
(July 23 to August 22)
Try your best to live up to whatever you promise to do. Talk matters through before you make a commitment that is difficult to fulfill. You might need a break and a change of scenery.
(August 23 to September 22)
Explore new interests that will help you to get ahead. Your ability to share knowledge in a helpful way will leave a good impression on somebody you want to spend more time with.
(September 23 to October 22)
A change in the way you relate to people around you will give you an edge. Don’t be too willing to change your ideas just to keep other people happy. Work hard to develop your talents.
(October 23 to November 21)
Take a break and focus on love and romance. A short trip or time spent with a special friend will motivate you to take on an exciting creative project that you will want to pursue.
(November 22 to December 21)
Thinking about your past experience will help you to set a higher standard for future goals. Be careful how you move forward, especially when you have to deal with sticky situations.
(December 22 to January 19)
Romance is on the rise. Take action and live up to your personal promises. Make time to do some fun things with somebody special. The effort you put into your relationship will pay off.
(January 20 to February 18)
Consider what you can learn or the skills you can pick up that will contribute to your good fortune. Somebody you meet while attending an event will make you an interesting offer.
(February 19 to March 20)
Concentrate on creative projects. Have some fun while you strive to get ahead. Do something that promotes love and romance, and you will soon improve your personal life.
fine-tune (v): to make small changes to something so that it is as good as it can possibly be
size something up (phrasal v): to form a judgement or an opinion about something
live up to something (phrasal v): to do as well as or be as good as other people expect you to
impression (n): an idea, feeling or opinion that you get about somebody or something
edge (n): a slight advantage over somebody or something
motivate (v): to make somebody want to do something, especially something that involves hard work
sticky (adj): difficult or unpleasant
strive (v): to try very hard to achieve something
get back to basics: to think about the simple or most important ideas within a subject or an activity instead of new or complicated ideas