

    (March 21 to April 19)

    Don’t play games when it comes to work, especially if you plan on taking a new direction. It’s important to be consistent. Put in some extra hours if it will help you get ahead.


    (April 20 to May 20)

    If somebody asks for too much of you, just walk away. Look for creative ways to raise your profile. Helping others will bring you satisfaction. Self-improvement will lead to success.


    (May 21 to June 20)

    Stay focused and put your effort into something that will help improve your life. Use past experience when dealing with difficult matters. Put your energy and expertise into your work.


    (June 21 to July 22)

    You will impress somebody special with your knowledge and sensitivity. Take time out to help others. You will enhance your appeal and attract somebody you want to spend time with.

  • LEO

    (July 23 to August 22)

    Wait and see what happens before making any big decisions. Choose what you want to do with your own life. It’s important to get rid of dead weight and clutter before you start anew.


    (August 23 to September 22)

    Make suggestions and take it upon yourself to jump into action. What you do will help pave the way to interesting opportunities. Love is in the air and romantic plans will pay off.


    (September 23 to October 22)

    Get serious about your future. Think about what you have to offer and find new outlets for your skills. Mixing creative ideas with simple and productive services will lead to an opportunity.


    (October 23 to November 21)

    Trust in your ability, talent and intuition regarding what you want to strive for in the future. Getting out and initiating what you want to see happen will impress the people around you.


    (November 22 to December 21)

    Don’t take chances when it comes to anything that might make you look bad. Make a positive change at home, and you will feel better about your life. Stick close to home for now.


    (December 22 to January 19)

    Look back before moving forward so that you have a much better chance making the right choices. You will soon have a much clearer picture of what you want and how to get it.


    (January 20 to February 18)

    Look over your past experiences with friends and relatives, and decide what you have to do in order to protect against being taken for granted. Focus on the things that you enjoy most.


    (February 19 to March 20)

    Take an innovative approach to what you do. Take a look at your past. What you have done will help you gather your thoughts and come up with a plan that can help you get ahead.


    constant (adj): that does not change
    enhance (v): to increase or further improve the god quality, value or status of something
    appeal (n): a quality that makes somebody or something attractive or interesting
    clutter (n): a lot of things in an untidy state; a state of disorder
    pay off (phrasal v): to be successful and bring good results
    outlet (n): a way of expressing or making good use of strong feelings, ideas or energy
    strive (v): to try very hard to achieve something
    initiate (v): to make something begin

    take somebody for granted:
    to be so used to somebody that you no longer recognise their true value and do not show that you are grateful