Letter of the week


Pimples are a problem for teenagers. Some teenagers with acne grow their hair long to cover their face, or wear heavy makeup to disguise the pimples because they are embarrassed and avoid eye contact. When acne affects the face, it provokes bad taunts from other teens. It makes the sufferer lose confidence, become shy and not want to meet anybody.

My friend and I have this problem, so what should we do?

Anchan Chaopa,
Uthai Thani

Acne is one of the common problems that many teens face, Anchan, but you'll most likely grow out of it. If your problem is particularly bad, it might be worth seeing a good doctor to see what they can recommend. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and avoiding deep fried or processed foods as much as possible would probably help, along with plenty of fresh air and exercise. As for the teens who taunt others, they're obviously the kind of idiots who aren't worth knowing anyway, so just do your best to avoid and ignore them. — Editor


On my birthday, I got presents from my friends and family. One of them was mini Lego. I have worked on it at my leisure. After I finished it, I learned that doing something is not always easy. For example, we have to have patience when building Lego. I really appreciate my present and I was also proud of myself when I finished building it.

Theethad Thipsoda,

It's good to see that young people still enjoy playing with Lego, Theethad. I always enjoyed Lego as a kid, and I remember being blown away by some of the large and intricate creations on display at the annual Lego exhibitions they used to have in Sydney. Have fun with your present, and a belated Happy Birthday! — Editor


I have a story about my experience to share with you. Recently, it was raining almost all day. When nightfall approached, around my home there were lots of mosquitoes.

Every evening when I had to walk out to do some activities in front of my home such as watering the trees or hanging clothes to dry, the mosquitoes began to fight against my face, neck, arms, back and legs. It was unbelievable that they could bite through a pair of thick shorts. After I finished my daily work outside, I walked into my home quickly and shut the door. When I looked at my legs and feet, I could still see mosquitoes attacking me!

Masarn Songsaksakul,

Mosquitoes sure can be annoying, Masarn. They're definitely one of my least favourite creatures, especially when you have one buzzing around your ear when you're trying to sleep at night. As well as being annoying, mosquitoes can also be quite dangerous as well, as they can carry diseases such as dengue fever and malaria. Take care! — Editor

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  • provoke (v): to cause a particular reaction
    taunt (n): an insulting or unkind remark that is intended to make somebody angry or upset
    leisure (n): time that is spent doing what you enjoy when you are not working
    patience (n): the ability to spend a lot of time doing something difficult that needs a lot of attention and effort
    intricate (adj): having lots of different parts and small details

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