

  • Editor's Note

    Our cover story this week is an interview with a young star named Tao, who has successfully crossed over from the singing world into television acting. That's a transition, as well as the other way from acting to singing, that many local stars seem to make effortlessly, as if all aspects of Thai showbiz are naturally interconnected.


    Pimples are a problem for teenagers. Some teenagers with acne grow their hair long to cover their face, or wear heavy makeup to disguise the pimples because they are embarrassed and avoid eye contact. When acne affects the face, it provokes bad taunts from other teens. It makes the sufferer lose confidence, become shy and not want to meet anybody.

  • A good buy, on the surface

    New Microsoft tablet may seem more affordable, but with essentialadd-ons is probablynot worth the price.

  • Celeb beer promoters begin meeting police

    Celebrities accused of improperly promoting a local beer through the social media have begun meeting with police. They have denied being paid for the photos they posted.



