
  • Editor's Note

    It's raining more. Flood waters are rising in the north. That can only mean one thing: The school term is almost over.


    A popular activity right now is the Ice Bucket Challenge. It's being used to raise money for the ALS Foundation charity. I think it's a good way to raise money and make merit, but I worry about the health of people who do it.

  • FIFA Online 3

    FIFA Online 3 lets players experience a challenge on an international level.

  • It's Apple's Week!

    I had made plans to watch the broadcast of last week's Apple event, which started at midnight Thailand time. The live feed was abysmal, with several breaks, making it hard to follow.

  • Tourists murdered on Koh Tao

    Two young British tourists, a man and a woman, were found brutally murdered on a beach on the popular tourist island of Koh Tao yesterday morning. The story is receiving wide international coverage and Thai police are making every effort to quickly find the killer(s).



