
  • Editor's Note

    I’m excited. And not just because it’s Friday and I won’t have to come to work for the next two days. I’m particularly excited this Friday because tonight I’ll be attending a concert to see one of my musical heroes, Thurston Moore.


    My friend told me that copying information from the Internet is cheating, and that students risk being disqualified if they just copy and paste things onto their Word document for coursework or an essay. He told me that his cousin had been expelled from a university because of copying, which really shocked me!

  • FIFA Online 3

    FIFA Online 3 lets players experience a challenge on an international level.

  • Adding stylus to the iPad

    Apple's Steve Jobs may have favoured the finger, but iWorld developers have ignored him on this one.

  • Buyers get first look at Pongpat's assets

    The first 1,000 items seized from the criminal network headed by disgraced former Central Investigation Bureau chief Pongpat Chayapan have been opened to public viewing ahead of being auctioned off beginning this Thursday.



