

    (March 21 to April 19)

    Plan to have some fun and spice up your life. Boredom will be your downfall and lead to all sorts of anxiety and frustration. Take a break and assess your situation. Don't make a hasty decision.


    (April 20 to May 20)

    Don't labour over things you cannot change. Being a good listener will encourage others to share valuable information with you, but don't feel obliged or quick to divulge your personal secrets.


    (May 21 to June 20)

    Somebody who wants your help will not need it as much as you do. Don't be too generous with your time or services. Don't hesitate to ask for favours or to make changes.


    (June 21 to July 22)

    Don't let changes other people make confuse or disillusion you. Move forward with your creative endeavours. Don't spend big bucks trying to make an impression. Offer time, not cash.

  • LEO

    (July 23 to August 22)

    Love is in the stars, and a romantic rendezvous will improve your personal life. Do not trust anybody with your money or your possessions. Your generosity will be your downfall.


    (August 23 to September 22)

    A money deal will entice you. Before you indulge in a get-rich-quick scheme, look at the odds. If you do your research, you'll find that something doesn't add up. Finish whatever you start.


    (September 23 to October 22)

    A change of plans will turn in your favour. Collaborating with somebody just as capable as you will lead to your success. Minor health problems will prevail if you take on too much.


    (October 23 to November 21)

    Take time to develop an idea or an original plan you've been contemplating. You need time to reconfigure. Don't let anybody stop you from pursuing what you want. Be true to your dreams.


    (November 22 to December 21)

    You can make a difference to those you love if you listen to their problems and offer valid solutions and hands-on help. A personal commitment will bring you closer to the ones you love.


    (December 22 to January 19)

    Take a walk down memory lane and reconnect with people and places you have lost touch with. Don't make a hasty decision, but consider the possibilities. Idle time will be your enemy.


    (January 20 to February 18)

    Plenty of opportunities will develop if you make changes to your budget or spending habits. Don't let your emotions spin out of control. It will be difficult to reverse the damage.


    (February 19 to March 20)

    Work by yourself and focus on being original. The satisfaction you get will put you in a better frame of mind and help you avoid criticism and disputes. Don't mix money and emotions.


    bargain (n): a thing bought for less than the usual price
    downfall (n): the loss of a person’s money, power, social position, etc.
    hasty (adj): said, made or done very quickly
    labour (v): to try very hard to do something difficult
    disillusion (v): to destroy someone’s belief in or good opinion of something
    rendezvous (n): an arrangement to meet at a particular time and place
    entice (v): to persuade someone to go somewhere or to do something
    reconfigure (v): to make changes to the way that something is arranged to work
    idle (adj): not working hard
    criticism (n): a statement showing disapproval