Heroic horse
Directed by renowned filmmaker Steven Spielberg, War Horse is a tale of loyalty, hope and tenacity set against the sweeping backdrop of rural England and Europe during World War I.
Ordinary act
Opening in cinemas on February 2 is An Ordinary Love Story, a heart-warming new romantic comedy produced by Magical Love studio.
First fling
Like the recent blockbusters like 30 Gam Lang Jaew (Fabulous 30) and Sod on Sale (Single on Sale), the new movie Rak Sood Thay Pai Na (First Kiss) is about a relationship between a working woman and a younger guy. The film is based on the best-selling novel Noom Mor Plai vs Sao Wai Tham Ngan (High School Boy vs Working Woman).
Timeless tunes
Indie band 25 Hours became famous soon after releasing their first album. The band has a memorable and unique style that combines modern rock with vintage sounds. Their hits have done well on Hot 91.5, Seed 97.5 and 104.5 Fat Radio music charts, while their song "Yin Di Thi Mai Ru Jak (Nice Not to Meet You)" was featured in the popular movie Hello Stranger (Kuan Muen Ho).