
  • Editor's Note

    By now I'm sure that you've heard or read about the horrible mass murder that happened in Aurora Colorado, where a very troubled man walked into a cinema packed with people and viciously murdered 12 people and injured 58 others. The cinema was packed with Batman fans who, catching the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises. It's already being called "The Dark Knight Massacre."


    A young boy came to a shop that sold pedigreed puppies. The shop owner told the boy the she had seven puppies, but the boy only saw six. He asked whether the seventh one was sold already. The shop owner said that the seventh puppy was crippled and could not walk as fast as the others.

  • Tales of the abyss

    I'm a fan of role playing games (from now on I'll call this genre RPG games), which are games that you act as the main protagonist and, along the way, develop friendship with friends while saving the world or helping other people until the story unfolds. It's like reading a novel, an interactive one that you get to choose what to do and interact with things.

  • Pimsiri’s silver puts Thailand on the medal table

    Weightlifter Pimsiri Sirikaew added 4 kilogrammes to her last lift, moving her from sixth to second to snatch Thailand's first medal of the Games. In men’s boxing there was first round success for Chatchai Butdee who easily defeated his Turkish opponent in the 52kg division. AFP photo



